
A Prayer A Minute

A Prayer A Minute is 1440 separate prayer entries for every minute in a day. The aim is for every one who prays to have a prayer in his or mind, mouth, and heart every minute of the day.


Book Details


372 Pages

Cover Design

Dr. Solomon Obotetukeudo


Fountaineheads Books






January 20, 2015

About The Author

Dr. Solomom Williams

Dr. Solomom Williams

Ph.D in Speech and Political Communications, from The University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California. M.A. in English Language and Mass Communications; (B.A. Combined Honours in History and Philosophy, from The University of Lagos, Yaba, Nigeria.

A Prayer A Minute is 1440 separate prayer entries for every minute in a day. The aim is for every one who prays to have a prayer in his or mind, mouth, and heart every minute of the day. The book reaffirms humans’ belief that prayer matters in their lives. It also demonstrates those values all humans hold dear. Dr. Obotetukudo in this book re-asserts the common theme in all his Everypersonpraysprayerseries—that all humans pray their values. The values highlighted in this book are subdivided into topical concerns. The organization of the book is user-friendly; it becomes a guide, a resource, as well as a lesson on why, how, when, where, and what to pray about in a non-confining doctrine peculiar to any single religion.

The book covers eight major categories in human living and spiritual traditions: (1)Thanksgiving; (2) praises and worship; (3) petitions, requests, and intercessions; (4) confessions and forgiveness; (5) partnerships, teamwork, imaginations; (6) relationships and intimacies; (7) revelations, inspirations and insights; (8) renewals, expectations and affirmations. All entries establish a continuing relationship through prayers and conversations with God; a relationship not tethered to anyone particular religion.

This book does not discuss religion; nor theories of prayers. It is entirely prayerful supplications any human being would offer to any God of his or her own choosing, so long as he or she believes in prayer. Human’s spiritual and personal experiences and ideas are found, developed, and sometimes expressed in prayers to gods in every of the world’s religions or belief systems. And hence, the all-encompassing minute-by-minute guide that covers all topics and themes in human traditions.


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